Python Scrapers and Subtitle Addons =================================== In addition to content plugins, SimplePlugin can be used for subtitle addons, and metadata scrapers written in Python (as of Kodi 18 "Leia"). Those types of addons also use :mod:`xbmcplugin` API and routing with ``'action'`` keyword in a paramstring so they can be implemented with :class:`Plugin ` class. Below is a simplified example based on a `demo Python movie scraper`_: .. code-block:: python from simpleplugin import Plugin plugin = Plugin() @plugin.action() def find(params): title = params.title year = params.get('year', 0) print 'Find movie with title %s from year %i' %(title, int(year)) yield { 'label': 'Demo movie 1', 'thumb': 'DevaultVideo.png', 'offscreen': True, 'properties': {'relevance': '0.5'}, } yield { 'label': 'Demo movie 2', 'thumb': 'DevaultVideo.png', 'offscreen': True, 'properties': {'relevance': '0.3'}, } @plugin.action() def getdetails(params): url = params.url if url == '/path/to/movie': li = { 'label': 'Demo movie 1', 'offscreen': True, 'properties': { 'video.original.title': 'Original Title', 'video.sort_title': '2', 'video.ratings', '1', } } return plugin.resolve_url(play_item=li) @plugin.action() def getartwork(params): url = params.url if url == '456': li = { 'label': 'Demo movie 1', 'offscreen': True, 'properties' { 'video.thumbs': '2', 'video.thumb1.url': 'DefaultBackFanart.png', 'video.thumb1.aspect': 'poster', 'video.thumb2.url': '/home/akva/Pictures/hawaii-shirt.png', 'video.thumb2.aspect': 'banner', } } return plugin.resolve_url(play_item=li) .. _demo Python movie scraper: