Actions Routing

Plugin actions are Python callable objects – functions or methods – that are called when a SimplePlugin-based plugin is invoked in Kodi. “root” action is called when a user opens the plugin from Kodi UI, e.g. from “Video Addons” or “Music Addons” section. Child actions are called via a plugin callback URL containing “action” parameter in its paramstring, e.g. the plugin:// URL will call the action mapped to “bar” action string.

Actions are defined using action decorator. The decorator takes an optional parameter which is the name of the action. If an explicit name is not provided the action is named after the decorated function.


from simpleplugin import Plugin

plugin = Plugin()

def root():
    # Do some things
    return listing

def foo(params):
    # Do other things
    return listing

The “root” action is mandatory, that is, a SimplePlugin-based plugin must have at least a “root” action.


Actions must have unique names!

An action callable may take an optional params parameter which is a Params instance containing parsed plugin call parameters. Parameters can be accessed either by keys as in a dict or as instance properties, for example:

def action(params):
    foo = params['foo']  # Access by key
    bar =  # Access though property. Both variants are equal.


Accessing a missing parameter by key will raise KeyError, but a property will return None if a parameter with such name is missing.

If an action does not use params parameter, it can be omitted.