Working with Plugin Settings

Plugin settings can be accessed using get_setting and set_setting instance methods.

get_setting method returns a Plugin setting with the given str ID. By default get_setting converts 'true' and 'false' strings to Python True and False respectively. Numeric strings are converted to Python long or float depending on their format, i.e. '100' will be converted to 100L and '3.14' to 3.14. This behavior can be disabled by passing False as the 2-nd positional argument to get a raw setting string.

set_setting stores a value in Plugin’s setting under a given ID. set_setting accepts data of any type. Boolean True and False are converted to 'true' and 'false' respectively. Other non-string/non-unicode data will be converted to strings using Python str class constructor.

Plugin’s settings can also be retrieved via a Plugin instance properties, i.e. plugin.setting is equal to plugin.get_setting('setting').


It is not possible assign settings values to arbitrary Plugin instance properties. An exception will be raised if you try to do so. To store a setting you need to use set_setting method.


You can store any settings in Plugin’s configuration file, not only those that have visual controls in the Plugin’s “Settings” panel.