Python Scrapers and Subtitle Addons

In addition to content plugins, SimplePlugin can be used for subtitle addons, and metadata scrapers written in Python (as of Kodi 18 “Leia”). Those types of addons also use xbmcplugin API and routing with 'action' keyword in a paramstring so they can be implemented with Plugin class.

Below is a simplified example based on a demo Python movie scraper:

from simpleplugin import Plugin

plugin = Plugin()

def find(params):
    title = params.title
    year = params.get('year', 0)
    print 'Find movie with title %s from year %i' %(title, int(year))
    yield {
        'label': 'Demo movie 1',
        'thumb': 'DevaultVideo.png',
        'offscreen': True,
        'properties': {'relevance': '0.5'},
    yield {
        'label': 'Demo movie 2',
        'thumb': 'DevaultVideo.png',
        'offscreen': True,
        'properties': {'relevance': '0.3'},

def getdetails(params):
    url = params.url
    if url == '/path/to/movie':
        li = {
            'label': 'Demo movie 1',
            'offscreen': True,
            'properties': {
                'video.original.title': 'Original Title',
                'video.sort_title': '2',
                'video.ratings', '1',
    return plugin.resolve_url(play_item=li)

def getartwork(params):
    url = params.url
    if url == '456':
        li = {
            'label': 'Demo movie 1',
            'offscreen': True,
            'properties' {
                'video.thumbs': '2',
                'video.thumb1.url': 'DefaultBackFanart.png',
                'video.thumb1.aspect': 'poster',
                'video.thumb2.url': '/home/akva/Pictures/hawaii-shirt.png',
                'video.thumb2.aspect': 'banner',
    return plugin.resolve_url(play_item=li)